Kirinji's Pad First Birthday
Well, after 24 items of Coloured Artwork (consisting of 19 CG's and 5 oekaki pictures), 62 pencil drawings (which includes the line art), three opinion articles (I was never a great speaker) and one website revamp, Kirinji's Pad turns a year old.

I'm surprised that I have kept Kirinji's Pad going for all this time, most of the time I used to give up on websites which were less than three months old. Of course this is the only site I have given only one revamp and eight months after of revamping I am still happy with the site layout (eight months compared to some sites who revamp their website every two months or so is quite a while).

Ever since I started Kirinji's Pad last year, I have drawn more and I am now CG-ing too (the right way I am not sure). However, I am hoping that I might be able to do more in my drawings, other than just catgirls or people just posing, have them doing an action like hitting people on the head or chasing after people who are in those raincoats. (Hey, I could always try and draw such a mad thought).

Looking back the past year, the item I have found on Kirinji's Pad to be perhaps interesting (and more than likely coincidental) is that I said that Saiko Exciting (when I gave my comments after the first show), I said it would only last for a couple of months and what happens, it actually lasted a couple of months before it went off air.

What brings in store for Kirinji's Pad for the next year, you might wonder? As usual, there will be more artwork being added to the Artwork section and hopefully more articles being added to the opinion section since there is isn't (at the time of writing this article) much to look at. I have decided not to include any new sections because I am happy with just the Artwork and Opinion section (plus editing approximately 100 pages to include the new section would get really annoying after a while).

An massive hello and thank you to the friends (and also the person who has got me into drawing if you are reading this) who supported me by giving comments about my artwork. Also, three cheers to Dragon who's been hosting Kirinji's Pad on

With that, here's to the first year of Kirinji's Pad.

Kirinji, 2nd June 2003
© 2002 - 2010 Steve Brokenshire